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Letters to the Editor

Intellectual development of children

April 09, 2024 00:00:00

Intelligence is a mental ability. Children are not born with all intelligence. It develops among them with their physical and mental development. All children's intelligence is not the same. A child may have high mathematical intelligence, while another may have high emotional intelligence. A child's mental development is related to intellectual development, which is influenced by factors such as nutrition, physical fitness, and environment.

Emotional intelligence refers to understanding oneself and others, responding appropriately, problem-solving, and managing emotions effectively. Parents need to establish close relationships to develop children's emotional intelligence. Children should be told stories with moral lessons and given opportunities to solve problems. Encouraging empathy, self-restraint, and tolerance are essential aspects of fostering emotional intelligence.

To develop a child's social intelligence, they should be encouraged to interact with society and friends, and their opinions should be heard and respected. As children develop social intelligence, they learn to form relationships, love younger individuals, respect elders, and integrate into society.

Through moral intelligence, children learn to differentiate between right and wrong, and moral values shape their character positively. Developing problem-solving intelligence enables children to navigate adverse situations effectively. When linguistic intelligence is developed, children can express themselves eloquently and communicate effectively with others. Encouraging children to speak and provide ample opportunities for them to do so may help in this regard. Mathematical intelligence can be developed through practice and problem-solving activities.

Children who possess high problem-solving intelligence can tackle challenges in adverse environments effectively. Likewise, developed linguistic intelligence allows children to articulate their feelings and communicate well with others. Encouraging children to express themselves verbally and providing opportunities for mathematical problem-solving aids in developing these intelligences.

Children learn to reason through logical intelligence and make sound decisions. Kinesthetic intelligence enables children to move their bodies accurately and enjoy activities requiring physical coordination, such as sports and dance. Those with high intrapersonal intelligence have a deep understanding of their own emotions and excellent self-awareness.

Children should not be subjected to excessive academic pressure. Instead, they should be encouraged to engage in outdoor activities, play, interact with friends, and express themselves through art. Limiting excessive screen time and providing age-appropriate entertainment are crucial. Involving children in household chores and praising them for their achievements fosters their confidence and independence.

Md. Khalid Mosharof

Instructor (General)

Primary Teachers Training Institute

Sonatola, Bogura.

[email protected]

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