Is Bangladesh ready to stop corruption?

FE Team | Published: July 01, 2024 21:18:17

Is Bangladesh ready to stop corruption?

Corruption is a longstanding issue in Bangladesh, considered a major barrier to the country's development and progress. Despite various measures, laws, and awareness campaigns by the government, corruption remains deeply entrenched at various levels of our lives. However, the question remains: how prepared is Bangladesh to truly solve this problem?
Firstly, it must be said that the current government has taken several steps to combat corruption. The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is actively working, and many high-ranking officials have been arrested and brought to justice. However, the effectiveness of these efforts remains questionable. According to a recent report by Transparency International, Bangladesh's position is still alarming.
Fighting corruption is not just the responsibility of the government; it is the responsibility of all of us. By raising awareness among the people, a social movement against corruption can be started.
However, our legal framework to prevent corruption is still very weak. Anti-corruption laws and regulations need to be stricter. Special tribunals should be formed to ensure swift justice in corruption cases. Furthermore, regular motivation programmes should be arranged for government officials and employees to promote honesty and transparency.
Awareness against corruption is also needed in the education system. Students must develop a sense of morality and honesty. Anti-corruption activities and workshops can be organised in educational institutions. When students understand the adverse effects of corruption, they will play an active role in preventing corruption in the future.
Effective measures are also essential in the economic sector to prevent corruption. Transparency and accountability in the banking and financial sector must be ensured. Effective rules and policies should be formulated to prevent corruption in trade and investment. In particular, transparency must be maintained in government projects and tender processes.
The use of technology can also play an important role in preventing corruption. Government services can be made easier and more transparent through digital technology. Various government tasks and information can be kept publicly accessible through the e-government system, which will help reduce opportunities for corruption.
Above all, a change in our mindset is crucial for preventing corruption. It is not possible to prevent corruption only by enacting laws and regulations; public awareness and moral values are also necessary. If each of us is committed to our sense of responsibility and honesty, real progress in preventing corruption is possible.
It is difficult to answer how prepared Bangladesh is to become corruption-free at this moment. However, if we become active and united, solving this problem is possible. Our collective effort and determination to prevent corruption can be the key to the country's development and progress.
Tanjimul Foyez
Ananda Mohan College, Mymensingh

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