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Letters to the Editor

Issue of overhead cable

October 19, 2020 00:00:00

Bangladesh often sees some problems that have actually been accumulated over the years and suddenly we start 'cutting head to get rid of headache'. Such an issue is cables that are used for providing cable television and internet services that are termed by the city corporation authorities illegal. Millions of city dwellers have been dependent on illegal services over the years! And no step was taken to legalise them and instead their semi-legal status led to questionable activities in the sector.

These cables are being removed and the service providers called for shutdown in protest against such abrupt measures. The announcement of suspending services created tensions among the service recipients who are more dependent on internet during the pandemic. The service providers called off the programme, following assurance from the authorities to look into the matter. So, we hope, a long-lasting solution would be achieved through talks.

Md. Shafiqul Islam

Dept. of Economics,

Jahangirnagar University

[email protected]

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