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Judicious use of Facebook

December 18, 2017 00:00:00

FACEBOOK has of late become an integral part of our city life and at the same time it has turned out to be a major cause of distraction particularly for students. They are distracted when they receive a message on Facebook. When they want to take a look at Facebook "for a minute" they end up spending at least 15 to 20 minutes and once concentration is lost it takes at least twenty more minutes to get it back. It has been found that the kids who use Facebook are not doing well in exams. On the other hand, grown up students, that is, under-graduate and post-graduate level students have been increasingly taking themselves off from sporting activities and devoting more time to Facebook. In this way they are distracted from their actual world and losing track of events happening around them.

But Facebook has many positive impacts if utilised judiciously. It helps us keep in touch with our friends in and outside the country and know about occurrences not carried by newspapers. Let us utilise information technology to help us lead a better life.

Imran Aziz

Niketon, Dhaka

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