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Letters to the Editor

Language is also part of etiquette

June 02, 2024 00:00:00

Various universities, foundations, and organisations provide guidelines on the standards of diplomatic language and etiquette. For example, California State University, Pace University (New York), Azerbaijan University, and the Diplo-Foundation have all clarified this issue. Those who have written about diplomatic manners and language at these institutions include not only university teachers but also individuals who have gained great appreciation by performing diplomatic duties in different countries. Notable books such as Stephen Gasili's "The Language of Diplomacy," Alan James's "A Dictionary of Diplomacy," Raymond Cohen's "Negotiating Across Cultures," and Joseph Nye's "Soft Power" are widely read in this field. Knowledge of these works is beneficial not only for diplomats or politicians but also for the general public.

However, it is not necessary for all diplomats, politicians, or high officials to read these books and research to speak appropriately. Just as one does not need to read history to know that the Mughal Empire was established by Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur, or study space science to know that the Earth revolves around the sun, people can rely on common sense. Many great leaders have managed to maintain admirable manners without reading any guidelines, becoming exemplary in politics and diplomacy.

But in today's world, especially in developing countries, we often see a different picture. The language used towards a foreign opponent by someone in a very responsible position frequently falls far below acceptable standards of etiquette. Listening to such discourse, one might feel that even the harshest quarrels would seem mild in comparison. Observing the mature politicians still in existence, one notes that these leaders maintain their composure and speak thoughtfully. Understanding one's position in society and speaking accordingly has become an absolute necessity.

Ashikujaman Syed

Marketing Research Associate,

Hebei Huanji Metal Wire Mesh Co. Ltd

Shijiazhuang, China,

[email protected]

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