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Let there be light for our youths

Sarwar Md. Saifullah Khaled | December 26, 2013 00:00:00

It is natural and expected that in this age of globalisation, we will march forward. It is also expected that by using the opportunities of modern information technology and following the examples of the modern world, we will go ahead towards a better future.

But many of the young generation today are directly or indirectly connected to this or that political party, and are involved in the negative aspects of politics. Their vocal and enthusiastic presence at different political gatherings, meetings and processions is clearly visible. It is a matter that involves the guardians when it comes to judging and pondering seriously as to whether the evil types of politics are detrimental to economic and socio-moral development of the country.

These tender-natured young learners and non-students never bother to differentiate the right from the wrong. The only adorable objects for them are muscle power and materialistic pleasures. Many of these youths are becoming the trusted sidekicks of self-seeking political leaders after sacrificing their studies and future. These adolescents go astray by forgetting their social values, closing their phase of student life, ideals, moral teachings, etc., because of a pervasive misguidance. Some of them are getting entangled in various sorts of crimes and illicit. The result is seen in the increase in adolescent crimes in society.

In the recent times, the adolescent and young generations of the country presume that it does not help much if one is mindful only of one's studies. They think it is not possible to get a job or other socio-economic benefits by demonstrating merit and academic brilliance alone. Political identity is also essential at all levels of life. The widespread politicisation of job opportunities and other socio-economic opportunities has rendered such presumptions of the youths true to a considerable extent. These are also the reasons why many students become politically active in their early age to ensure a satisfactory future.

As a result, most of them frequently and emotionally take recourse to various sorts of untoward misdeeds and rash activities detrimental to society and the economy. All this is done just to draw the attention of their political mentors. Thus, politics is gradually becoming the ideal ground for the low-calibre, reckless elements. The criminalisation of politics is on the increase, and the value of muscle power, instead of merit, is increasingly gaining importance in the politics of the country. All these are the signs and results of the erosion of honest politics in the country. Under these circumstances, it is the duty of all concerned, including the politicians, to encourage the young generations to be mindful of their education for the sake of their, and the country's, future. A lion's share of the responsibilities also lies with the guardians of society and the government of the country. If we fail to groom the youths, we will have to accept the misfortune of getting a young generation without merit or wisdom in the future. No patriotic citizen is prepared to accept such a calamity for the country.

The writer is a retired Professor of Economics, BCS General Education Cadre.

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