Natural foods have medicinal value

Md. Mozzammel Haque | Published: April 02, 2014 00:00:00 | Updated: November 30, 2024 06:01:00

To keep ourselves healthy, we need balanced diet and fruits for vitamins and minerals. Balance diet, which will balance all elements of our body, is what we need for surviving. These elements are vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins etc.
Natural foods that contain vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate, proteins, and natural medicines are those that are needed to fight diseases. It is very difficult to find natural foods or fruits, which contain only one food value.
Scientists have proved that vitamin C is good for health but businesspersons are doing business with this vitamin. Human body is specially designed for natural foods/fruits/medicines. Natural medicines are bioactive. The best bioactive medicine is turmeric and it has many medicinal properties.
Excess sugar in blood is responsible for diabetes. Now physicians prescribe the diabetes for taking neotame aspartame, sucralose, saccharin, etc. These artificial sweeteners do not have any food value and stomach cannot metabolise these. Storing artificial sweeteners for a long time in the stomach and taking more of this instead of sugar creates many complicated health problems.
Unrefined sea salt or natural salt is generally a very healthy product. It has little or no effect on blood pressure. It helps maintain electrolyte and osmotic balance. Human beings remain alive because  sodium/potassium ions are channeled through the cell membrane. Many salts which work as antibody e.g. iodine, selenium, magnesium etc. are important elements for human health.
The governments of many countries force salt companies to enrich all table salts with iodine. This has only positive benefit of table salt but in refined salt, they mix dangerous toxic metal aluminium.
A product related to table salt is monosodium glutamate, familiar in the market as testing salt. This is the common salt used for cooking in top class restaurants. It is a food additive and is widely used as a flavour enhancer in thousands of prepared foods. It causes headaches and inflammation of the body. We suggest avoiding all monosodium glutamate and white table salt. Any kind of white and colouring foods, package foods, and processed foods is dangerous for health.
Most of the unwanted chemicals, which are used for the preservation of foods, are easily soluble in water. In many parts of the world, people cook their foods by steam boiling, preservative chemicals will boil out along with steam or the chemicals whose boiling points are high will be stored in the base of the cooking pan as mixed water.
Medical colleges/universities will never stop selling certificates to unqualified students. Doctors will never stop receiving money from companies prescribing low quality medicines or more medicines to the patients and businesspersons will always force their employees to sell more medicines to the patients. This is called a death trap for the people; victims will suffer and then die. However, nature is simple but business is complex.
The writer is with the Biological Research Center, Szeged, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

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