Newspapers report that over the past eight months, around 3,000 people have been affected by dengue in the capital. At least, 11 patients have died from the disease this year.
The season for dengue is usually between April and October. The outbreak can linger till November when winter comes knocking. It can be predicted that the number of patients will increase over the next three months.
It is unfortunate that people tend to complain that the city corporation authorities are not taking enough measures to curb the dengue outbreak. It should be remembered that the efforts of these bodies are limited on account of funds available to them.
The authorities had initiated mass awareness campaigns across the city. They had also identified 19 risky areas where dengue outbreak was imminent. Also, larvae cleaning programme was conducted in 33,000 houses of the two city corporations.
The citizens should use mosquito nets, especially for anyone who rests during the day. Netted screens can be put up on the windows. Aedes mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. So, puddles, tubs, plant pots etc. should be cleaned and maintained in such a way that water cannot gather in these.
Akibul Javed,
Indira Road, Dhaka
Number of dengue patients on the rise
FE Team | Published: September 04, 2018 20:48:11
Number of dengue patients on the rise
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