Letters to the Editor

Padma Bridge: a symbol of pride

FE Team | Published: June 24, 2022 21:34:47

Padma Bridge: a symbol of pride

The Padma Bridge, one of the biggest projects in the history of Bangladesh, is all set to be inaugurated today. By building this bridge with its own fund, Bangladesh has shown its capabilities. As a result of the construction of the bridge, the economic potential and image of the country have been established all over the world. And for this, we all must be thankful to our Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for her sturdy leadership. We must admire her for taking the revolutionary step of self-financing to build this challenging bridge. This bridge was made possible because of her.
Initially, the construction of the bridge became uncertain when the World Bank withdrew its pledge of financiering on charges of corruption, and other donors followed it. That was the beginning picture of the construction of the Padma Bridge. Only a few people believed that Bangladesh could really build the bridge with its own money. When the construction began, a number of challenges started coming, and groundbreaking engineering skills were required in river governance and piling.
The Padma Bridge, however, is ready to open to traffic now. It is a bridge of our pride. It has already brightened the country's image in the world and also accelerated the nation's confidence. We hope the bridge will play a unique role in taking Bangladesh to the line of developed countries.

Md. Tajmul Hasan,
Student of University of Dhaka, Dhaka,

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