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Letters to the Editor

Plight of bachelors in Dhaka

March 23, 2024 00:00:00

Dhaka, the vibrant heart of Bangladesh, is undeniably a city of opportunity. However, for young bachelors like me, the dream of living independently in this metropolis is becoming increasingly difficult due to the ever-rising cost of living.

The average monthly expenditure for a single person in Dhaka can range from BDT 25,000 to BDT 40,000, depending on lifestyle choices. This includes essential expenses like rent, utilities, food, and transportation. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that the average starting salary for young graduates often falls well below this range.

The burden is particularly heavy on housing. Renting a decent single room in a convenient location can easily cost BDT 10,000 or more. Furthermore, the cost of basic necessities like groceries and transportation continues to rise due to inflation.

This situation forces many young bachelors to compromise on their living standards or resort to shared accommodations, which can be cramped and lead to privacy concerns. The dream of saving for the future or pursuing higher education becomes a distant reality.

The challenge of high living costs discourages young people from migrating to Dhaka for career opportunities, hindering the city's overall growth potential.

Therefore, policymakers and relevant stakeholders may consider creating affordable housing options specifically for young professionals. The authorities should also invest more in making public transport hassle-free to reduce reliance on private vehicles and their associated costs. Encouraging flexible work arrangements could minimise transportation expenses for some jobs. Overall, creating a cost-effective living option in Dhaka will improve the quality of life of young bachelors.

M A Z Abid

Bachelor of Business Administration (HRM)

North South University

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