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Poaching of migratory birds

Poaching of migratory birds | December 03, 2018 00:00:00

The winter season over the years in Bangladesh sees a unique change. This is the time when migratory birds fly to Bangladesh from different regions across the world. Traditionally, birds arrive here from Siberian region and other parts of the world in an attempt to escape the severe weather conditions there.

As a student of Zoology, I have witnessed and studied these migratory birds. Movement of these birds depend on various factors like - habitual quality and preference, human disturbance along their route, hunting and so on. As part of escape route, these winged guests take shelter in different parts of Bangladesh. Particularly, they are seen in rivers, lakes and swamps.

Even the foreigners come here every year to enjoy the unique and unparalleled sights of nature during the winter. But it is a worrying scene that these birds are falling prey to some unscrupulous people, who are targeting them for livelihood. These people go to the extent of poaching these birds for personal gains.

To conserve migratory birds and wildlife systematically, the Ministry of Environment and Forest passed the Wildlife Protection and Security Act 2012 and developed Ecological Critical Areas (ECA). But the law seems to be largely ineffective against these poachers.

Hunting and poaching of these birds need to stop. The authorities concerned need to take measures with the help of law-enforcing agencies and environmentalists.

Abul Khaer

Department of Zoology

Govt. Saadat College, Tangail

[email protected]

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