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Letters to the Editor

Protection for service providers

March 26, 2020 00:00:00

Even in lockdown to contain spread of coronavirus, many people have to go out to serve the quarantined millions at home. Such service providers themselves are exposed to infection since most of them are not using adequate personal safety equipment. They themselves may not only be infected with the virus but may also become carriers the moment they would reach the doorsteps of others.

These service providers include medical representatives of pharmaceutical companies who visit doctors and hospitals, staffers of hospitals and diagnostic centres, sellers of shops, street vendors and hawkers, those who distribute postal materials, printed materials and deliver goods ordered online.

Therefore, it is important to ensure protection for those who would be responsible for providing emergency service in time of crisis. There has been significant improvement in people's health awareness to prevent spread of coronavirus but there are some lapses too. Authorities concerned need to identify those lapses and take necessary measures. Let's not also forget the importance of surveillance, detection through testing and social distancing to overcome the health crisis, magnitude of which has left even the most developed nations off guard.

Abu Yusuf

Kalabagan, Dhaka

[email protected]

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