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Letters to the Editor

Reducing water wastage

May 28, 2024 00:00:00

Vital for the survival of humans, animals, and plants alike, water is a precious resource. However, our negligence leads to its wastage, ultimately impacting groundwater levels. Each summer, the scarcity of fresh water intensifies as groundwater levels decline, particularly affecting rural communities. Consequently, irrigation issues arise, jeopardising agricultural productivity and plant life.

Despite water covering three-quarters of the Earth's surface, only 3 per cent of it is fresh, with the majority being saline. Given the significant waste of this finite resource, water crisis looms large on the horizon.

Failure to address this crisis could lead to catastrophic consequences for all living organisms. However, simple changes in our daily habits can mitigate the issue of water wastage. For instance, ensuring taps are closed when not in use, using a mug for ablution rather than leaving the tap running, and turning off the tap while washing clothes are some of the ways to reduce wastage of water.

Additionally, stopping the motor once the tank is filled during water pumping, and reusing old bottled water for cooking, are practical steps towards conservation. It's essential to adopt a mindful approach to water usage in every aspect of our lives to avoid unnecessary wastage and safeguard this precious resource for future generations.

We often overlook the true value of water, which surpasses that of any other resource, even precious metals. Therefore, it's imperative for each of us to take responsibility and prevent water wastage. Let's cultivate awareness within ourselves and spread it to others.

Zahid Hussain


Comilla University

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