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Restoring internet service brooks no delay

July 22, 2024 00:00:00

An unprecedented internet shutdown in the history of the country has caused its digital disconnection well-nigh complete. Initially, 4G mobile internet facility was disrupted, and then came the total blackout on mobile internet services. Finally, even the broadband internet connection has been cut off on Thursday evening, leaving the country out of on-line service. Earlier, the government sent a text message informing "internet is being disrupted nationwide as the data centre and ISP cables were set alight by arsonists. It will take time to repair." If that is the case, why mobile internet connection is not being restored? Then again, security mechanism of the data centre has also come under scrutiny. How can such important data be stored in one single place that any criminal attack or mishap in the said infrastructure leaves the whole country disconnected from internet?

In this digital age, when the people cannot think of a moment without internet and all types of businesses heavily rely on internet-based communication and financial transaction, a complete internet shutdown is unacceptable. It has virtually left the people groping in the dark for reliable information, while internet-based financial transaction, communication and services have come to an abrupt halt, causing immense sufferings to the people. The internet is not only a source of information or a vital mode of communication for people and businesses alike. It keeps the wheels of many businesses, services ---in fact of economy---running. For millions of freelancers and operators of e-commerce sites, internet is the main source of earning a living. Its shutdown, therefore, poses a direct threat to their livelihood.

The nationwide internet shutdown has also disrupted digital transactions from banks and mobile financial services (MFS). It also rendered automatic teller machines (ATMs) of banks dysfunctional, while expatriate workers are failing to send money home through banks and MFS due to the disruption. Meanwhile, prepaid power and gas cardholders who have run out of balance are suffering immeasurably as they cannot recharge their cards for the same reason. City dwellers who collect potable water from over two hundred water ATMs of WASA are being deprived of safe drinking water due to non-availability of internet. In a word, the people across the board are going through untold sufferings due to the internet shutdown.

The authorities have been repeatedly saying that vested quarters were spreading rumours over student movement using social media sites. So the people are also being advised not to pay heed to rumours. While social media sites can be held responsible for spreading rumours and disinformation, enforcing complete internet blackout, if it is done deliberately, is tantamount to cutting off the head to cure headache. It must be remembered that ensuring uninterrupted flow of information is the best way to fight off any evil propaganda. Over the years, a majority of the people, especially the youths, have grown accustomed to sourcing information through online news portals. They are now totally left in the dark. Rumor, misinformation and propaganda spread the fastest when the source of reliable information is cut off. It is, therefore, hoped that the government would do all it can to restore internet service right away in order to help fight rumour and to avert a colossal economic loss and public sufferings.

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