Saving Buriganga river

FE Team | Published: September 04, 2018 20:48:37

Saving Buriganga river

The river Buriganga is dying a slow and horrible death. Oil is being spilled from the vessels plying on it everyday. Also, waste of many forms is being dumped into it. Thousands of illegal sewerage lines also drop sewage into the river. It seems that there is no one who wants to save the river.
The Buriganga has been one of Dhaka's main communication route with other districts of the country since the Mughal era. Even traders from neighbouring countries came to Dhaka on landing on the river's shore.
The river was once very vibrant. It provided livelihood to thousands of households along its shores. Traders, travellers, fishermen and people from other professions used it daily. The river is still very valuable.
It is high time the government and citizens worked together and initiated measures through which not just the Buriganga, but all rivers of the country could be saved. Through coordinated efforts, the rivers can be saved. Such steps can also help the eco-system and overall natural habitat of animals and plants in the urban and rural areas.
Tanveer Islam
Sutrapur, Dhaka

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