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'SOS Phone' in emergency

October 15, 2020 00:00:00

Adoption of mobile devices and its wide network coverage in Bangladesh have made it possible to make emergency calls from everywhere. However, it's limited to audio call and that is a problem for people with disability. Even those with no disability may not be in a position to speak in situations such as during riots, when taken hostage and smoke inhalation.

Thus, SOS Phone, a built-in android feature that was developed to enable users to make urgent calls using an iconographic touch interface running in a touchscreen mobile device, may be useful. It enables one to contract the emergency centre by selecting the icons that represent the occurrences being reported.

This advanced technology can help address the problem of the series of rapes that occurred recently in the country. Also, a section of people may come up with new techniques of crimes and with the use of innovative technology, our law enforcement can immediately stop such incidents. 'SOS Phone' can be useful for encouraging proper use of technology and build a peaceful society.

Rejwan Afrid Khan

Pallabi, Mirpur-11-2/1, Dhaka

[email protected]

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