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Letters to the Editor

Standing by cold-hit people

January 24, 2024 00:00:00

A bone-chilling winter has descended upon the country, with the temperature in Panchagarh plummeting to 6.0 degrees Celsius. Homeless people and street children endure endless suffering during winter.

It is heartening to witness many individuals, as well as social, cultural, and other organisations are distributing blankets, winter clothes, and food to the less fortunate in villages. Young men are going door-to-door in their neighbourhoods, collecting old clothes and distributing them among the poor.

However, the state should take the lead in aiding those affected by the cold. It is the moral responsibility of each individual to support the helpless and cold-stricken members of society. By allocating even a small portion of our earnings to assist these individuals, we can play a significant role in alleviating the suffering of the underprivileged.

Sadia Afreen Suchana

A youth activist


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