Letters to the Editor

Stimulus for frontline health workers

FE Team | Published: December 03, 2020 19:15:51

Stimulus for frontline health workers

During the Covid-19 pandemic, frontline health care workers had served us at the risk of their own lives. Some caught the virus at times with fatal consequences.
According to the Bangladesh Medical Association, a total of 2,876 physicians, 1,973 nurses and 3,276 other health workers were infected while treating coronavirus patients. So far, 108 physicians have died from Covid-19. Despite the government's promise, physicians, nurses and medical workers reportedly have not received any stimulus for working round the clock to treat COVID-19 patients.
Bangladesh has recognised physicians, nurses and other health care workers serving coronavirus patients as warriors. Financial assistance has also been announced for them. But, they have not yet received any stimulus for working round the clock to treat Covid-19 patients. The government had voluntarily announced it. Unnecessary delays or bureaucratic complications are disrespectful to the frontline health workers.
We hope the authorities concerned will come up with practical measures in this regard and honour the frontline warriors as promised by the prime minister.
Mahmud Kibria
Dhanmondi, Dhaka

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