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Letters to the Editor

Stimulus package for students

September 22, 2020 00:00:00

Some educational institutions, especially private universities and schools, are managing classes online but students of public universities and schools from the rural areas are not covered by such facilities. The year 2020 may turn out to be the lost year and most students are likely to be affected by session jams.

Students of such institutions are children of lower middle class and rural families. Purchase of a good smartphone and mobile data is hardly within their reach and internet speed is slow in many places. Female students face pressure to get married, in view of uncertaintiesregarding their educational career. We fear the future career of many students is jeopardy.

We think, it's time authorities concerned planned something for an entire generation of youth and juveniles. There were suggestions about introduction of student loans but that may create a debt burden for them in the foreseeable future. As one of these youths, I strongly feel that there should be a stimulus package for students and support should be given in the form of grants, scholarship, fellowship, project assistance and even soft loan.

Sabiha Eka

Dept. of Government & Politics

Jahangirnagar University.

[email protected]

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