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Search date: 24-06-2018 Return to current date: Click here

The joy of reading

June 24, 2018 00:00:00

Reading is a pleasant activity that enlightens our hearts and minds. When we read we also encourage our children indirectly to read books, as children like to follow their parents. Books are like a vehicle that can take us to any era or country and help us meet with person in the world. Personally, I love to read biographies of famous people as it gives some insight about the great people of the world. When someone stops reading, s/he stops growing. In the developed countries, citizens read voraciously. The number of readers of a country indicates how civil and developed a country is. If the reading habit can be encouraged in Bangladesh, it is likely to develop further. As a habit, reading enriches a person and makes him understand the world better. It is unfortunate that many educated people go through their life without reading anything outside their textbooks. Lets us spread the joy of reading among our families and friends.

Mohammed Sohel Hara

Bonosree, Dhaka

[email protected]

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