The open window of newspapers
January 01, 2019 00:00:00
"Every time a newspaper dies, even a bad one, the country moves a little closer to authoritarianism…"said American author Richard Kluger.
In the age of growing video and audio podcasts, reading has become very rare. The hectic work schedule, personal life and commuting on the road usually occupy a lot of time in the lives of people in Bangladesh. This is why, they cannot read much. But if we look at any number of distinguished people in any field, we will find that they are mostly readers. And most of them have gone on record saying that reading is the most effective way to learn something. If one wants to grow his or her knowledge base about contemporary events across the world, then reading newspaper is the most effective and inexpensive option left for them. They can learn about business, politics, culture, sports, economy and finance.
Newspaper gives readers a window of opportunity to stay up-to-date about the world by enlightening them with important information that they need to know. Everyone should try to read newspapers for sometime daily.
Md. Emon Bhuiyan
East West University
[email protected]