Treat clients with respect

FE Team | Published: June 22, 2024 21:18:32

Treat clients with respect

Almost all of us go to work to fulfill various needs. Employees, say, work in a particular workplace, where many people come to receive services. Conversely, employees may also need to visit other offices for services. Relatives and friends of employees also go to different offices for services. We should ensure quality service in our respective workplaces and treat others with the same courtesy we expect when seeking services elsewhere.
Extortion in the name of service and harassment while providing services should be avoided. Selling yourself for a little money can bring temporary peace in this temporary world. However, neglecting your duties will deprive you of real mental happiness and heavenly peace. We should set a shining example by playing an honest and responsible role in the workplace. Instead of competing in dishonest work, we should strive to build a good society by performing our duties honestly.
A dishonest person is hated by everyone in society and is harmful even if educated. Such a person cannot leave a good legacy for their children and may face legal consequences for their dishonest acts. Ultimately, our responsibility to the workplace is a commitment. Peace in this world and hereafter is possible only by being true to that commitment.
Khalid Mosharof
Instructor, PTI, Sonatola, Bogura

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