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True essence of Ramadan

Atiqul Kabir Tuhin | March 14, 2024 00:00:00

The holy month of Ramadan has begun, which enjoins on Muslims to observe day-long fasting, practice piety, and abstain from all sinful indulgences. Beyond the physical act of fasting from dawn till dusk, Ramadan serves as an opportunity for believers to deepen their connection with Allah Almighty through spiritual reawakening, self-purification, and self-sacrifice that have both temporal and spiritual significance. The main objective of the month-long ritual is to nurture and develop behavioural patterns that guide the believers to become ideal human beings, both in the eyes of God and man. Unfortunately, many practitioners apparently pay more attention to physical fasting than imbuing themselves with the true essence of the sacred month. Thus a holistic moral uplift of the people as a whole has yet to be achieved.

For Muslims, Ramadan holds significant historical and spiritual importance, as it marks the month when the first verses of the Holy Qur'an were revealed to Prophet Mohammad (Sm). The act of fasting is more than mere abstinence from food and drink; it is a holistic commitment of body and soul to the principles of Ramadan and the teachings of Islam. It signifies refraining not just from physical needs, but also from negativity in thoughts, words, and deeds.

Fasting is meant to instill self-control, self-restraint, foster compassion and empathy for the less fortunate, and serve as a means of spiritual and moral introspection. One of the primary objectives of fasting is to cultivate empathy for the less fortunate, particularly the poor and the hungry. Fasting, is not only beneficial for the body, but serves as a profound lesson in self-restraint, offering a pathway for spiritual reflection, and serving as a reminder to appreciate the blessings bestowed upon the faithful.

If the true spirit of Ramadan is to be imbibed, progress towards redistribution of wealth and dismantling of class division must be hastened and achieved. The injunctions regarding Zakat and Fitra underscore this egalitarian principle. The rich must share their wealth with those in dire need. But as things are, Zakat and Fitra are doled out only as a symbolic gesture and the built-in inequality of wealth on a collective scale is not addressed. Ocean-wide inequality exists between citizens within Muslim states. The lesson of Ramadan is to quicken the move towards removing the imbalance as a way to uniting and unifying the Muslim Ummah. The holy month should also be the occasion to reflect and examine the abject lack of progress in this direction.

In the broader context of society, Ramadan calls upon individuals to uphold moral integrity and refrain from actions that are morally reprehensible or harmful to others. However, amidst great religious fervour and devotion, it is disheartening to witness unrestrained hikes in the prices of essential commodities, imposing undue hardships on the low-income segments of society. Despite assurances from the government and business leaders, the pledges to curb price hikes have once again proven hollow, leaving the common people at the mercy of unscrupulous traders and those who have yet to find the spirit of Ramadan.

As a result, no mitigation of the people's hardship in this regard has taken place, even in this holy month. As for Iftar, the ceremonial meal that every fasting Muslim consumes after sunset, high prices are not the only challenges to be braved, the rampant adulteration of food items, and their deliberate contamination with toxic chemicals by a section of unscrupulous traders have been ongoing unabated for years. Some sporadic actions were taken, but these proved totally ineffective. The potent danger to public health continues to run its course claiming an increasing number of victims suffering from liver and kidney diseases and other food-related ailments. One wonders why successive governments are failing to act against a bunch of criminals who have no qualms about indulging in despicable malpractices that have murderous impact.

It must be emphasised, especially by Imams during their Friday sermons, that in Islam profiteering and food adulteration are haram- something strongly loathed and forbidden. Unscrupulous traders, most of whom are also observing fast and praying, are engaged in these sinful activities. This is sheer hypocrisy and a mockery of the principles and tenets of Islam. It is incumbent upon authorities to address these issues and ensure a peaceful and hassle-free Ramadan for all individuals.

During this sacred month Muslims should seek both spiritual enlightenment and moral purification to address and combat the collective moral decay that is permeating the nation. In addition to fasting and praying, the people must collectively abstain from acts that are morally indefensible and harmful to others, and make them a lifelong habit. This commitment to ethical conduct should extend beyond Ramadan and become a guiding principle in their daily lives. By elevating this ethical and moral standard of the people, the nation could go a long way to address the menace of coercion, manipulation, exploitation and the pervasive spread of corruption in society.

The sacred month also offers an opportunity for personal growth and reconciliation, as Muslims strive to reconcile with those they may have wronged and seek forgiveness. By fostering a spirit of forgiveness, compassion, and goodwill, the holy month can be a catalyst for positive change, not only in individual lives, but also in communities and societies at large.

As Muslims advance into the holy month of Ramadan, let the believers embrace the true essence and teachings of the occasion – love, compassion, humility, and gratitude. May this month serve as a beacon of light, guiding them towards a path of righteousness, empathy, and benevolence, benefiting the people as a whole.

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