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Two US soldiers killed

July 19, 2007 00:00:00

BAGHDAD, July 18 (AFP): Two US soldiers were killed in Iraq when a roadside bomb detonated near their vehicle while they were on patrol in western Baghdad, the US military said on Wednesday.
The attack, which took place on Tuesday, brings the US military's losses in Iraq since the March 2003 invasion to 3,620, according to an AFP count based on Pentagon figures.
Meanwhile: With candlelight vigils, fold-down beds and attacks on President George W. Bush, Democrats Tuesday forced Republicans into a rare all-night Senate debate in a drive to get US troops home from Iraq.
"The Senate spending a sleepless night is no great sacrifice, soldiers and their families who pray for them spend many sleepless nights," said Dick Durbin, the number two Senate Democrat.
Staffers rustled up hot food and cots so weary senators could nap in a room just outside the chamber as Democrats choreographed a bid to force through a plan to get most US combat troops home from Iraq by the end of April.
But despite help from several Republican rebels, they seemed certain to fall short of the 60-vote super-majority in the 100- member chamber needed to thwart Republican blocking tactics.
"Republicans will need to choose whether they want to protect the president or protect our troops," said Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, who later joined party grandees at a candlelight demonstration on Capitol Hill.
But his Republican opposite number, Senator Mitch McConnell, accused Democrats of pulling off a political stunt.

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