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Unfit vehicles should not be on roads

June 27, 2024 00:00:00

Unfit vehicles have become the bane of city dwellers. These vehicles roam the roads across every region of the country, including the capital, Dhaka. It is estimated that there are more than five lakh unfit vehicles plying in the country. Every year, the Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) takes various steps to take these vehicles off the road, but in vain. Common passengers continue to suffer due to these unfit vehicles on the road. Buses, in particular, are a major problem.

Some buses are so rickety that they are unfit to carry passengers, yet people are forced to travel in them. Most passengers travelling by bus in Dhaka face great difficulty during extreme heat. Women, children, and the elderly suffer the most in these public transports. Many buses have broken roofs, allowing sunlight to enter and significantly increase the heat inside. Many public transports lack fans, or if they have them, they are usually broken.

Various studies have shown that excessive speed and the reckless attitude of drivers are among the main causes of road accidents in the country. Some unfit vehicles use CNG, and many of these gas cylinders have exceeded their expiration date. As a result, these cylinders often explode, injuring many passengers.

Constant surveillance, licence checks, certification and seal systems, public awareness campaigns, and the use of technology are needed to curb the dominance of these unfit vehicles. Through these measures, the number of unfit vehicles and the accident rate can be significantly reduced. The relevant agencies of the government must take strict action to solve this problem.

Asif Islam


Jahangirnagar University

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