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Letters to the Editor

Vegetable prices skyrocketing

November 04, 2020 00:00:00

The rise in the prices of potato and onion, two key kitchen items, has compounded the woes of the common people during the pandemic when many have lost income. There is hardly any vegetable in the market that costs less than Tk 60 a kilogram. There is hardly any consumer who does not express frustration at the price level.

The authorities have fixed the price of potato at Tk 35. But in reality, potato sells at Tk 45-50 now in Dhaka city's kitchen markets. Onion price is not below Tk 80 per kg in the Dhaka city markets. Those who are responsible for monitoring and regulating the market seem to have been resigned to the fate, given the skyrocketing of the pries of essentials. Occasional mobile-court drives against retailers do not help the cause. It is the wholesalers who in a syndicated manner hike the price. They should be targeted for their misdeeds.

The retail vendors are not directly responsible for the rise in prices as they have to purchase from the wholesalers at a higher cost. We hope the government will act promptly so that the unscrupulous players cannot increase the cost of potato, onion and other vegetables.

Afroza Sheikh

Dania, Dhaka

[email protected]

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