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Search date: 04-11-2020 Return to current date: Click here

Empowering local governments

Local governments (LGs), though elected public institutions, have few resources of their own to function independently. So, they have largely to depend on the central government for annual budgetary allocations as well as occasional grants and transfers to run their usual business of providing basic services to the citizens. And...

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Boosting export of farm produce

Farm production, particularly for export, has been one of the worst-hit areas during the pandemic, recovery of which seems quite a bit distant. True, even before the covid-19 struck businesses and trading, Bangladesh's export of farm and horticulture produce and products was fraught with many disadvantages. Accessing the markets fulfilling...

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Immune to everything but disease

For a writer and journalist today, it's no longer easy to tell a story, especially in the conventional method. Thanks to internet, thousands of pieces that are published every day are considered cliché without any formal rating. More often than not, readers find them not so attractive for going into...

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Attacks on journalists

Freedom of the press is often held hostage in developing countries. Journalists often have to undergo harassment, imprisonment and even physical attacks for what they are meant to do professionally - to uphold the truth.Recent abduction of Chttogram journalist Golam Sarwar has once again soiled the concept of free press....

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Vegetable prices skyrocketing

The rise in the prices of potato and onion, two key kitchen items, has compounded the woes of the common people during the pandemic when many have lost income. There is hardly any vegetable in the market that costs less than Tk 60 a kilogram. There is hardly any consumer...

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Generation of digital transactions

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, digital transactions of money have been playing a critical role in the Bangladesh economy. By ensuring safety and promptness, mobile financial services such as bKash, Rocket, and Nagad have made common people's life faster, easier and smoother than before.People no longer need to rely on conventional...

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