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Letters to the Editor

Vices of personality cult

May 14, 2024 00:00:00

Excessive flattery is not merely a phenomenon; it has become a pervasive issue worldwide. The adulation of individuals has assumed ominous proportions, and we must not underestimate its detrimental impact. Despite its severity, it is going unaddressed, which poses serious threats to democracy, society and the state. The competition to engage in excessive flattery and praise of individuals is rampant, particularly in third-world countries.

This practice, commonly referred to as personality worship, is alarming due to the fallibility inherent in human nature. However great a person may be, they are susceptible to error. Yet, those who engage in excessive flattery view it as a potent tool and art form, exploiting it to commit irregularities and corruption to serve various individual and group interests. The higher the stakes, the more elaborate the means of organization and expression of devotion or worship become.

Excessive devotion and respect for a particular person or leader give rise to superstition in society. This is why Islam prohibits worship of individuals, recognising its potential for evil when not tempered by principles. When such devotion leads to ruin, there remains little recourse. In such cases, it takes no time for the worshipper to transition from hero to villain.

Ashikujaman Syed

Marketing Research Associate,

Hebei Huanji Metal Wire Mesh Co. Ltd

Shijiazhuang, China,

[email protected]

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