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Violence on Rajshahi University campus

Md. Maskurul Alam | February 07, 2014 00:00:00

Rajshahi has one of the most famous universities in the country. But it is sad that the university witnessed several deadly clashes triggered mainly by the pro- Awami League student wing, Bangladesh Chattra League (BCL) in recent time. The bloody clashes left a number of students killed in the last five years. The administration of the Rajshahi University (RU) now owes an explanation to the parents for failing to ensure security there.

In spite of having a huge number of police personnel on the university campus, students were killed and seriously injured due to attacks and counter-attacks by rival student factions. The ruling Awami League leaders talked loudly many times about ensuring security at the university. In the latest attack, the involvement of the Chhatra League cannot be denied particularly after it has made media headlines.

Dozens of public universities, medical colleges, polytechnic institutes and government colleges witnessed bloody violence often initiated by the BCL over the last five years. In most of the cases, they fought factional fights and also with the opposition parties. In some cases, the administration had to declare the university closed several times a year.

The recent Rajshahi University clash first ensued as the general students came out of their dormitories and held a demonstration demanding cancellation of fee hike. They were also demonstrating for abolishing the newly-introduced evening Master's course from the university. Teachers are to earn more from the evening course caring less about their main job at day-time. When general students faced a number of problems including fee hike, they came to the streets to get their demands fulfilled. But it is a matter of regret that both the police and BCL cadres swooped on general students with lethal weapons and firearms. General students were observing the demonstration peacefully in front of the administration building. But the BCL terrorists opened fire directly on them.  They used pistols and revolvers in front of the police and tried to disperse the agitated students. Police played a silent role instead of protecting students. Under these circumstances, more than 100 university students were injured.

It was a great mockery when four cases were filed with the Motihar police station in connection with the violence where no BCL cadre was accused. The university additional registrar filed the cases against 60 known and 150 unknown students. Although newspapers front-paged photos of BCL leaders brandishing pistols and revolvers, no one was caught red- handed. Even no case was filed against them. This is unacceptable

We wouldn't like to see any more nasty game by the RU administration. We want real justice so that no such incidents recur.

The writer is a third-year student, the Department of Statistics, the Islamic University, Bangladesh. [email protected]

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