When democracy is being jeopardised

Maskurul Alam | Published: December 08, 2013 00:00:00 | Updated: November 30, 2024 06:01:00

More than 40 years have been elapsed but democracy still is in jeopardy. Our political leaders have seemingly forgotten to practise democracy in the country. A group of politicians is now engaged in criminal acts to establish an authoritarian rule. Even many of them looted the country's resources and rose from rags to riches. As a result, the economy is going to the ruins. They appoint their party activists as employees in the administration so that they get the opportunities.  They are always busy to ensure their own security instead of ensuring security of all parties.  
The political leaders have divided our country into two parts contrary to the Constitution. They are resorting to blockades and hartals and creating untoward situation in the name of demonstrations. Hartal and blockade are harmless if these lead to peaceful demonstration. But why should it endanger our lives and damage property of the general people. Is it democracy? Neither the ruling party nor the opposition group is thinking about greater interests of the general people.
The ruling party has no time for negotiation with the opposition while the latter instigates their activists to attack the former. As a result, violence is taking place here and there. We do not like to see any more unrest in the country. We need to see congenial relations developing among our political parties. It can only happen when true democracy is practised.
The writer is with the Department of Statistics, the Islamic               University, Bangladesh. malam@gmail.com

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