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Letters to the Editor

Where are the missing children going?

May 13, 2024 00:00:00

Every day, we come across news about missing children from media. We have almost become accustomed to encountering this issue across all forms of media in our country. Leaflets seeking information of 'missing child' are plastered all over, starting from roadsides. However, I've never stopped to consider where these missing children go, what their last address is, or who are behind their disappearance.

On their way back from school or madrasha, or to and from the mosque and from playgrounds children are vanishing.

According to a survey missing children either run away from home or get lost or abducted. Astonishingly, the study claims the majority of abducted children and adolescents are taken by family members or acquaintances, with 25 per cent taken by strangers. However, there are cases where organised rackets kidnap children, demanding a hefty ransom. If paid, there's a chance of children's safe return, but if not, they are killed.

However, some children simply lose their way. It's not uncommon for children to struggle with directions go missing. Nevertheless, most missing children are victims of abduction. Kidnappers often keep them hostage in undisclosed locations, using various tactics such as offering rides, candy, assistance in finding lost pets, or false claims of parental approval for them to be taken home due to emergencies.

Where do these missing, lost, or abducted children end up? Is there any investigation into this matter, or are they left without rescue due to negligence? Whose failure is it that these children aren't being rescued or returned to the safety of their mothers' arms? Are families not taking appropriate action, or is it a failure of child protection systems in the country?

We all want children to be safe and reunited with their families. No mother should ever have to experience the agony of losing a child thus.

Touhid-Ul Bari, Student

[email protected]

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