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Why not refund HSC exam fees?

October 13, 2020 00:00:00

The government has recently decided not to hold the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and equivalent examinations due to the pandemic situation. But it will considerall the HSC and equivalent candidates as having passed without actually appearing in those exams. Like 1.37 million other students, my son will pass the HSC exams and get grades calculated based on his performance in JSC and SSC exams.

However, I wonder as a parent whether I deserve to be refunded the registration fees that I paid for my son's HSC exams which won't ultimately be held. As there would be no costs for not holding exams for 100 per cent students, we think the authorities should pay back the money. That would also be a great help for most of the families during the pandemic.

Bashar Ahmed

Malibagh, Dhaka

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