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Search date: 06-09-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Managing the university admission dilemmas

Completing higher secondary education marks the end of the students' college phase--class twelve. The experiences gained over the course of the years influence the students to make decisions regarding their next step, which is the university. However, they have to make specific valuable choices during this period which plays a...

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Development of career skills when still in academia

For most of the entry level jobs in Bangladesh, academic expertise is overly glorified while practical skills are broadly overlooked. As a result, there is always a gap between academic development and career or job-oriented skill development in young professionals. With this view in mind, Skill Hunt, a student-focused skill...

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Techniques and tools to increase the productivity of students

As time and technology progress, humans have to adapt to a fast-paced world that will leave them behind if they do not keep up. Thus, it becomes cardinal that people are productive and efficient in these busy and competitive times.The need for achieving the highest productivity starts from one's life...

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