Updating profile to attract employers
With about 500 million users across the globe, LinkedIn provides networking opportunity for professionals to connect and evolve. In most cases, creating a profile and leaving it there is not enough to attract desired recruiters to offer a job. It needs knowledge, time and effort to organise a profile and...
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Youngsters need space to make their own decisions
"At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents," said Jane D. Hull, American politician and educator. Parents begin the foundation of education for any child from the moment of birth. They teach their language, their behaviour, their way...
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Steps to kick-start your digital marketing career
The concept of above the line (ATL) and below the line (BTL) marketing are well on its way to becoming archaic. The new battleground for the consumers' attention is the digital media. At first, it may seem easier. Indeed, digital marketing can be much more cost efficient than expensive television...
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