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Search date: 14-06-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Bringing glory to country’s debating community

The United Asian Debating Championship (UADC), an annual debating tournament for teams from universities in Asia, is the largest inter-university parliamentary debate tournament in Asia. UADC 2018 was held in Indonesia recently. This year's tournament was historic for Bangladesh debating community. Out of the five participating teams, four of them...

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Popularity of online learning platforms on the rise

The YouTube community of Bangladesh has grown and evolved significantly over the past couple of years. The channels are of a wide range of genres that include music, education, entertainment etc. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly who was the pioneer of YouTube in Bangladesh, but some of the most...

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Time for women to move forward

"I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives," said a character, Mrs. Croft, in Jane Austen’s novel Persuasion. This is the thought that planted the seed of...

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