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Search date: 27-12-2018 Return to current date: Click here

A journey to live in harmony

The sun was about to set beyond the horizon of Rangamati when five madrasah girls stepped out of the bus after a long journey. Albeit exhausted, they were curious to find out what was awaiting them in their very first trip outside Dhaka. Usually, most female students in madrasahs are...

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Training our teachers for a better Bangladesh

Various discourses and newspapers have iterated that the quality of education is decaying although the literacy rate is improving. Such statements are also established using facts and figures such as this survey conducted by Directorate of Primary Education, which shows only 25 per cent of grade five students performed satisfactorily...

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Innovative business and promotional ideas for banks in Bangladesh

Competitions have always given a unique platform for students to apply their theoretical knowledge into practical contexts. With changing technology and the changing customer choices, it is important for every institution to bring in those changes. Even though banks and other similar institutions have similar and routine tasks, it is...

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