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A tale of breaking barriers

Building a digital nomad career

Ahmed Hasan | May 19, 2024 00:00:00

Ahmed Hasan

When I announced my decision to become a digital nomad, the overwhelming response on social media was filled with curiosity and encouragement. Many asked how a 24-year-old from Bangladesh could afford such a lifestyle. Here's my story -- a tale of breaking barriers and living a dream far beyond conventional paths.

The digital nomad lifestyle is all about freedom and flexibility. It allows individuals like myself to earn a living online while choosing various global locations as our workplace. Career-focused digital nomads, like myself, place a higher priority on professional achievements and usually reserve weekends for relaxation. My weekdays involve eight to 14 hours of screen time as I manage my responsibilities and grow my startup. Weekends are my time to disconnect and recharge. Whether it's bike riding, discovering new areas, or socialising with friends, I use this time to step away from work and indulge in my surroundings.

The first step of becoming a digital nomad: Embarking on a digital nomad lifestyle is akin to preparing a complex dish. It requires not only the right ingredients but also a well-equipped kitchen and the culinary skills to bring everything together harmoniously. For a nomadic life, the essential ingredients include financial resources, geographical freedom, and a bold leap of faith. My 'kitchen' was blessed with a supportive family-loving parents and a caring brother-who played pivotal roles in assembling this life recipe.

Financial aspect: Traveling and living globally isn't cheap. To sustain such a lifestyle, one must either have substantial savings or a steady income that can be managed remotely. Equally important is geographical freedom -- there should be nothing tying you down that could hinder your mobility.

However, having money and the freedom to travel are not sufficient. One must also overcome a deep-seated aversion to risk, common in many cultures that prize stability and security. This requires what I like to call a significant leap of faith-stepping out of your comfort zone to embrace uncertainty and the unknown.

It's crucial to acknowledge one's privileges when discussing such aspirations. Echoing Mark Zuckerberg, "I know lots of people who haven't pursued dreams because they didn't have a cushion to fall back on if they failed." My family provided this cushion for me. Whether through emotional support or a financial safety net, they ensured I could pursue my dreams without the dread of failure. Additionally, my brother's commitment to care for our parents in my absence allowed me the peace of mind needed to explore the world.

Securing a global job: How did I achieve financial independence by my early-twenties? It began with a well-paid remote job at Zelf Technologies, a New York-based startup backed by Sequoia Capital, where I am now the Chief of Staff, promoted from Lead Product Designer. Well, how did I land on this job? An early start, a little bit of luck, and a fair share of expertise. My career began in sixth grade as a brand identity designer, eventually shifting towards product design. Over more than a decade, I expanded my expertise to include programming, data analysis, filmmaking, and photography. Each skill contributed significantly to my professional profile.

For those looking to find jobs that accommodate a digital nomad lifestyle, I recommend starting with platforms like Airwork, which connects talent from Bangladesh with global organisations. However, in my experience, the most powerful tool has been networking. Building and maintaining professional relationships can lead to unexpected and rewarding opportunities. Always invest in your network -- it can open doors you didn't even know existed.

Overcoming traditional career expectations at IBA: After high school, I was torn between engineering and design but ultimately pursued a BBA at IBA, University of Dhaka. Initially, I hated my decision after admitting myself to IBA and had a lot of second thoughts. I didn't fit in at IBA. And the best college is one where one doesn't fit. A place that challenges one to grow out of their comfort zone. IBA did it right for me. Not only was I groomed to run teams, I was challenged mentally everyday to grow as a person.

During my time at IBA, I didn't experience the typical peer pressure to pursue traditional roles in multinational corporations (MNCs). From the outset, I was clear about my path -- I've always been passionate about design, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The startup world, with its dynamic challenges and opportunities to build from the ground up, was where I saw my future. My approach has always been to forge my own path-I didn't just go with the flow; I tried to create my own stream.

Advice for aspiring Bangladeshi digital nomads: It's said that one should follow their heart, but knowing when to do so is key. My heart wanted to be a filmmaker, but I decided to go for a career in tech. My heart at some point wanted me to leave my job and focus on entrepreneurship, and my brain convinced me to run for another promotion instead. My heart wanted a work life balance, my brain said you will never be 24 again. Heart wanted weekend hangouts, and my brain asked me to meet the deadlines. Heart wanted to buy a black magic cinema, and the brain said invest the money. Brain said to apply for masters, heart said, go travel the world. I rejected my heart hundreds of times so that I could listen to it once. This balance between desire and duty has defined my path. These choices weren't always easy, but they were necessary to build the life I wanted. It's about knowing when to listen to your heart and when to use your head. Each decision, whether based on passion or pragmatism, has shaped my life profoundly. For those aspiring to this lifestyle, understand your privileges, recognise the practicalities, and prepare to balance your aspirations with realistic strategies.

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