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Educational institutions during heatwave

Anindeta Chowdhury | May 05, 2024 00:00:00

There was a time when we could not imagine attending classes without going to school or college. But the time has changed, as the compulsion of going to places into an online link passed through the internet. Covid-19 time has surely taught us that the world does not stop if people do not go outside like we are used to. During the time coronavirus spread among the whole world, even countries not so developed before as a digitally driven era were also getting habituated with online classes, meetings, sealing off deals just over a zoom call and so on. Students of all spheres including primary levels also did not get left behind at that time.

Another time has come when it would be a solution to some of your problems if not all at once. Since the summer days hit this year, a consistent heat wave has taken over the country and life seems to be jumbled up with all the negativeness within it. We seem to be tired and perspiring all day long, waiting for some rain drops to drench our minds and what not.

Not only Bangladesh, but also the neighbouring countries have a record temperature in the last seven decades which is undoubtedly an alarming situation. We can always blame the deforestation and increased global warming and it is also very justified. But another factor precedes this in the case of these countries situated in the world map. The sun does not always spread its heat in the same direction and at the same rate. The way earth revolves around it is also not in a full circular way. So there are fat chances for the sun to have its own sweet times with gifting the most amount of heat every now and then. Rather than that, we cannot also ignore the geographical location of Bangladesh which lies in the tropical region. The impacts of climate change are seen to be taking a whirl in countries situated in this part. Thus, the punishing heat wave and disrupted lifestyle.

The heat wave and excessive temperature crawling beneath our skin has taken us in front of another burning question. And that is- in this present scenario, where do the educational institutions stay?

Some countries where the heat wave has left its irreparable losses already, steps have been taken to keep educational institutions closed during that time. Schools in South Sudan, some of the parts of eastern India, Philippines and also Bangladesh have been taken as the victims of a vulnerable time and kept close when necessary. But it has also created controversy as some other questions arrived such as- 'Will it hamper the education quality as well?' or 'Is it the right decision?'

The decision to close schools during heat waves likely depends on different factors, including the severity of the heat, school infrastructure, and available resources to keep students cool. But it is also not about the school times. There are transportation periods when the students are prone to the irritable temperature and a pressure to maintain all the tasks at the same time.

It especially takes us to be concerned about the children. Sweating too much, being vulnerable in the scorching heat can lead them to a more affected place even before reaching the schools as the mornings are also not very cool these days let alone the day shifts. Most students don't have an air conditioned car to leave them at the doorstep of school. Before and after the school times, it is very difficult for them to be on the open roads where there is no shade.

A 2020 study in the USA published in the American Economic Journal shows that students perform less if they are opened to a level of excessive heat and it does impact them in a negative way. The results depict that a 0.55C (1F) warmer school year played a significant role in that year's learning by 1.0 per cent. If this slight difference can leave an effect, then it leaves no doubt what can happen with an average of 40 degree Celsius every now and then?

A few of the urban schools and colleges might have air conditioning facilities, but if we take a greater look at the whole country's educational institutions spread over- it would be a shock that there are many institutions where active fans and good ventilation seems to be a dream. Most of the schools in rural areas tend to have a tin roof which captivates the heat in it and spreads later, which makes the classrooms a hot chamber for both the teacher and the students.

Education does not confine it to the four walls of a classroom and it is high time to realise it. We must take difficult decisions at difficult times to save the future of our nation, which are its students, especially the ones who have just started their life. Teachers who hold the responsibilities to teach them are also to be taken care of, not to just make them present in class and having a compulsory class. The quality of education cannot depend on face-to-face class as we have already witnessed in the 2020-2021 time period. Suitable steps such as online classes, a bi-weekly or monthly assignment, taking the weather forecast in mind and planning a region based timeline for the institutions can be helpful.

Another thing that we need to remember is, this summer is not the last one either. With every coming year, the heat is going to increase. So it is better to adjust our educational system with the threat so that we do not get overwhelmed with the surprise heat wave. Taking precautionary vacation schedules or preparation for online classes is what we can do to save our students and teachers in danger of a heat stroke. Besides, whatever the situation is, it is always good to have a backup plan- be it for day-to-day life or the long term plan in future.

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