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How to handle your toxic colleagues at work

Ishrat Jahan Promi | May 05, 2024 00:00:00

Hafiz, a very enthusiastic young marketing executive got to team up on a project under his fellow colleague Nafis. Nafis is leading the whole project. But Hafiz found Nafis not that cooperative and pleasant. Hafiz is not getting proper treatment from Nafis as he punitively ignores every little effort or involvement that Hafiz tries to ensure with this project. Nafis sabotages the team members and tries to take the whole credit by himself while pitching the project to the boss.

Jannatul is a young public relations practitioner working at a PR agency. Every day she starts packing her work at 5 pm, her boss makes her overburdened with some new work claiming to complete some urgent press releases and stuff. Thus, she had to stay alone for a few more hours and this happens to her almost every day.

Though the above-mentioned characters are fictional, the cases are very common. These employees like Nafis try to manage a face-saving attitude toward the seniors and boss and sabotage the juniors and the peers. They feel threatened by their colleagues and so they do this kind of politics to undermine them. They do back biting or spread negative energy targeting that particular individual. Also, a man like Ms Jannatul's supervisor, a workaholic guy with inappropriate intentions may lead Jannatul's career on the verge of destruction. What will you do when you get to face this kind of toxic person at your workplace?

Let's discuss some strategies on how to manage yourself to fight against these workplace monsters.

Stay calm and composed: The first wise step is to stay calm and composed. Responding to toxicity with more toxicity only escalates the situation. Every situation and office culture is different. But this suggestion is universal. One needs a well thought-out plan to address a toxic person's behaviour.

Perform, set boundaries and address directly: The second step to manage toxic colleagues is to rely on fundamentals. Start by focusing on your individual professional excellence and work deliveries. While doing so, it is important to set boundaries from the initial days of seeing any toxic behaviours towards one person. This can be done either by communicating directly with the person or indirectly through your actions.

Try to create a support group: If fundamentals don't work and you find some toxic groups of people doing backbiting or some other toxic behaviour then one can think of specific strategies. You may think of making a support group at your workplace who can raise their voices against those odds. Identifying like-minded people having a positive vibe can boost up your productivity. By coming together, group members can provide mutual support during your crisis moment and collectively work towards creating a healthier work environment.

Document incidents and escalate: It's a good strategy to document inappropriate behaviours in detail with time, date and situations. If necessary one can think of escalating it to the HR or relevant personnel with such details that might help the HR or management to address it.

Don't take it personally and look for alternatives: Some toxic people thrive on reactions and may jab you for one. The best way to resolve this problem is to put your emotions aside and look at the matter objectively. Give appropriate responses only when asked and channel your energy to your work. You can't change how others act, but you have total control over your reactions and responses. Meanwhile, even after escalating things don't change, then seek options to change teams or even the organisation.

Self-care: Remember your workplace is your second home where you spend most of your time. The toxic environment at your office may affect your mental health leading to ruin your personal and family life also. Emancipate your mind from this. Sometimes take a short break and travel to your favourite places that will heal you from inside.

The writer is lecturer,

Department of Mass Communication and Journalism at Bangladesh University of Professionals.

[email protected]

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