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How to set and achieve fitness goals for 2024

Md Abdul Mukit | January 21, 2024 00:00:00

Did you make a new year's fitness resolution last year? Did you keep it? If you are like most fitness enthusiasts, chances are the answer is 'no.' In fact, approximately 80 per cent of people who make new year resolutions have dropped them by the second week of February. Only about nine to 12 per cent of people keep their new-year resolution and achieve a meaningful result at the end of the year.

Does that mean fitness resolutions don't work? Or, are we simply setting the wrong goals? It's not the wrong goal; the reason for failure to keep your fitness resolution is unrealistic goals. The other major reasons are not keeping track of the progress, setting too many fitness resolutions, or simply forgetting about the fitness resolution taken at the year's outset.

Setting goals is not enough to achieve your fitness resolutions for the new year. It is the first step. The major heavy lifting is done through a set of healthier habits. Except for these, you're just wishing and hoping. Your intentions are great, but your chances for success are nonexistent unless you develop new habits that help you stay on track year-round.

So, let us put that right. Here are some basic steps you can take to help you not only stick to your new-year resolutions but also achieve any goals you set.

Specific and measurable goals: According to Forbes Health, 48 per cent of people opt for 'improving fitness' as their new year resolution. That makes getting fitter the most sought-after new year resolution. But what does 'get in better shape' actually mean? Nothing. What's a better goal? Maybe losing 12 pounds in the next 12 weeks. That's a specific, measurable goal.

Now, you can create a process to achieve what you set out to do. You can join a gym or, better yet, hire a fitness coach to work on your diet, training, and recovery. The trick is to set a goal so specific that it is simple to work backwards to design a strategy for achieving it.

Piggyback on current habits: Let's say you want to do 8,000 steps a day by the end of the month. Currently, you're doing 4,000 a day. It's not wise to jump right at 8,000 steps a day; rather, increase one thousand steps in the following four weeks, and you get your 8,000 steps a day by the end of the month.

The same goes for cutting sugary substances, processed foods, oily or deep-fried foods, drinking more water, or getting more sleep. Your body doesn't like disruption; you must instil these healthier habits in the smallest changes.

Whenever possible, piggyback on an existing habit. It's much easier than introducing and adopting a new habit.

Control your environment: Introducing a little choice of architecture can make it much simpler to create new habits and overcome your natural resistance to difficult tasks. Say, you want to be a regular at the gym. Taking a three-month subscription at the gym is a good start; if possible, take 12 lessons from your favourite personal trainer. This will reduce the friction of hitting the gym regularly. Alongside, build a network of gym buddies who motivate and hold you accountable.

Md Hridoy Hasan is a young restaurant owner from Dhaka's Karwan Bazar who is a fitness freak. He certainly has a story to share about his 'influence' in his circle.

"I started back in 2014. Initially, my family vehemently opposed my idea to go to gym regularly. Fast forward to 2017-18, three more members from my family joined the gym following me: my two younger brothers and my brother-in-law, all motivated and influenced by me."

"I have a group of friends who share our routines and try to match our gym time. We discuss our progress, fitness issues and workout methods and in that way, we help each other maintain the flow."

Again, if you want to drink three litres of water daily, you may put one litre on the office table, one little in bedroom, and another litre at dining table. This will ensure you don't miss out on the desired hydration level. Also, do you want to eat less ice cream? Make sure ice cream never makes it into your house.

Choice architecture is an excellent approach to reducing the willpower needed while still accomplishing your goals.

Periodical progress measurement: If you want to lose 12 pounds in 12 weeks, weighing yourself after 12 weeks is a dumb way to measure your progress. Then you won't have any way to remedy what you have already done.

Alternatively, you can journal your regular diet, physical activities, sleep, hydration, etc., and measure your progress weekly, such as your weight and body measurements. If you are not fulfilling your week's progress target, you can always change plans according to your goal.

In this regard, Faria Abdullah, a young professional from an imminent INGO and a resident of Malibagh area in Dhaka, shared, "I thought losing five kg of weight in two months would be easy. But amidst the busy schedule, I learnt the fact that the smaller the targets are, the better the consistency would be. Unrealistic targets, at first, almost disillusioned me from attending the gym. However, now I set very small targets considering my work life and the process is going smoothly."

We are what we measure; therefore, develop easy ways to measure who you want to be. And then follow through on them.

Don't sweat the bad days: An occasional bump in the road is just a setback, not a deal-breaker. Good habits are very hard to develop, but your health dividend is unmatched if you can do it once.

Md Abdul Mukit is a lifestyle coach and the founder of Shustho. [email protected]

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