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Life of a territory officer

Saadman Khan Nabil | March 12, 2015 00:00:00

Famous American author and political activist Helen Keller has rightly said, "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." Human psychology tends to evade adventures and risks. But yet there are so many people out there who love to live life beyond their comfort zone. The territory officers or managers assigned by different organizations belong to those groups of people who stays at the remote corner of the country accepting new challenges every day.  

The business dimension and dynamics are changing in Bangladesh. According to several global economic research and statistics, Bangladesh is speedily moving towards the glory of being a developed nation. To capture the fullest potential of this growing economy, multinationals and local conglomerates are focusing on increasing their business grip across the country. Jobs have been segmented and employment has been generated for technical and business graduates to manage territorial business operations. Organizations are recruiting territory officers who are being sent to remote parts of the country to ensure smooth business and operational execution. Females are also being recruited as territory officers nowadays

Hasib Al Farabi has been stationed at the South East part of Bangladesh. He works at a reputed MNC (Multi National Corporation). The journey of being a territory officer was not easy according to him. "One needs to have the psychological stamina to apply for such jobs. Leaving friends and family and working all alone in a territory with colossal responsibility is not that easy", says Farabi. Usually a territory officer has to spawn and increase sales, build and enhance rapport with merchants, meet with suppliers and engage in regular business activities. He/she becomes in-charge of the entire business activities within his/her assigned territory. He/she has to implement business plan for the territory aiming at achieving company target, develop the sales force so that they acquire skills and attitude necessary to perform their job as per company expectation. But there is nothing to worry about, Farabi suggests. "Organizations provide with adequate training and support. Hence there is not much to worry. Support from the local team and local community are also overwhelming. But above all a territory officer has to be very prearranged in order to maintain operation excellence", adds Farabi.

A territory officer's core responsibility is to visit the market frequently and generate market insights. Often he/she has to move out for market visits. These visits allow him/her to get the actual picture of how a business is rolling out, how it varies from market to market and many other aspects as well. "A Territory Officer needs to carry out regular market visit as it helps to ensure superior campaign execution, smooth business operation and generate insights. It is very important that he implement innovative and effective ideas to address the issues/opportunities in his territory" says Shafquat Ahmed who works at an eminent MNC as the Area Manager at South Western part of the country. Shafquat has successfully crossed the ladder from being a territory officer to an Area Manager. According to him; "If someone performs devotedly nothing can deter him/her from progressing. Challenges will always be there and they have to be tackled as well. Once you adapt with the situation and learn to overcome your challenges with a positive mindset, you will be able to ensure smooth career progression."

Apart from dealing with the job itself, a territory officer has to deal with other issues like renting a house, finding a suitable neighbourhood, planning route, deciding on what to eat and a lot more stuffs. These sounds like very difficult for anyone who wishes to be a territory officer. As Farabi pacifies with his experience: "Initially it was a matter of concern to me, but local communities are very nice and welcoming. Usually neighbourhoods outside Dhaka are indeed very peaceful and calm. There is no traffic clogging and you can breathe fresh and eat fresh as well." Many people gossip regarding the recreation scopes outside Dhaka whereas territory officers of several companies have said they all meet at a certain point or anyone's home after office and chat for hours. They share their day to day activities, any exciting event of the day and laugh out at jokes. They live like a community, a community surrounded by people who have left their family and home and cruising along with a rewarding career. As Shafquat puts it: "This is a very thrilling and captivating job. If you are organized, well planned and self motivated, you will be able to learn the different aspects of the business and deliver astounding results. Nothing can match with 'on field' learning of a territory officer."

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