Making this world a better place to live in as all lives matter

Saadman Khan Nabil | Published: April 16, 2015 00:00:00 | Updated: November 30, 2024 06:01:00

Dhaka is buzzing with millions of people. We have fallen in such a routine where we wake up every morning, rush to work, waste our precious time in traffic congestion, fight against several odds like rain, poor drainage system and even vandalism. Finally at the day end we return home exhausted. But do we have the time to look around our community? Have we noticed the floating people around us? Many of them are day labourers coming to this city for work; many of them are drug addicts. Now there are numerous NGOs, GOs and agencies that look after the interest of the floating human and facilitate them for their rehabilitation. But many more lives are overlooked and they are the stray animals especially cats and dogs. What about them? They cannot talk like humans but they have their rights too. One and only organisation in the entire country working for animal welfare is, Obhoyaronno.
My knowledge on Obhoyaronno was not by a random web search or any fluke. While going to treat a wounded street cat, a pharmacist suggested me to call Obhoyaronno. A simple phone call and a supportive manner from the receivers end can do such difference. I mean I have dealt with hospitals, clinics and diagnostic centres where you can rarely find someone with a decent manner and even expecting that seems to be a sin. After doing quite a research, I have finally decided to pay a visit there. I Woke up early in the morning, took my camera and stuffs and started my journey. I was thinking the place to be a conventional clinic with grumpy receptionists, stuffs and cynical physicians but the only difference would be, it is a pet clinic, that is all.
Finally after a long thirty minutes rikshaw ride from my home, I reached to the place of wonder. A three storied building (Obhoyaronno in first floor) with an open space at front, stuffs and vets all with a joyful face though they are doing a difficult job. Seeing me so amazed, someone came forward and welcomed me with warmth. She was Rubaiya Ahmed, the Founder and Chairperson of such a superb initiative.
I walked with her through the facility and came to see quite a few dogs; some were okay but some were crippled. But all of them seemed to be very content. Rubaiya was saying, "Many of them had severe wounds. They were rescued from different parts of the town and cared. Gradually they have done incredible recovery.After the recovery they will be sent to their original communities." Seeing one of the recovered canines, my eyes became full of tears. By talking to Rubaiya I came to know that was the first and currently the one and only animal welfare organisation operating in Bangladesh since 2009. They had been fighting animal cruelty and working to make a congenial environment for both humans and animals. They foresee a Bangladesh where people will be familiar with the fundamental values of animals.
I was surprised to know about the actions taken by the Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) to control rabies and dog population earlier. They used metal tongs and fatal injections for doing so. But Rubaiya said something of hope, "We made DCC to sign a MoU with us where they had promised not to repeat such atrocious act." After that Obhoyaronno launched a CNVR (Catch, Neuter, Vaccinate and Release) campaign where they collect the free roaming dogs, neuter them to control population vaccinate against rabies and return them to their original places or communities. After the treatment the dogs get an ear notched and a permanent tattoo that lets people know that they have undergone the programme. CNVR runs from Sunday to Thursday and the pet clinic is open every Saturday. Expert veterinarians treat each and every patient with sufficient care. Rubaiya says "Our low cost vaccination and sterilization attracts pet owners from all paths of life." The amazing fact is, the income generated from the clinic goes back to helping the street animals. Now, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of United Nations), DCC (North and South), HSI (Humane Society International) and Department of Livestock Services (DLS) work as partners of Obhoyaronno.
Rubaiya was also saying regarding their community awareness campaign. This is the most important segment of their programme.  In her statement, "Our community awareness programme teaches people the benefits of vaccination and sterilisation in terms of averting rabies and controlling dog population. It engages pet owners to persuade others to adopt stray dogs and educate them to responsible ownership."
Animal cruelty is another issue where we all need to stress at this very moment. In Bangladesh we see many children and even adults are showing meanness to animals' especially stray cats and dogs. Children tend to learn from their elders and parents and if they grow up in such a family or community where brutality, fight and other forms of malpractice are available then, as research suggests, they are prone to animal cruelty. This is psychological disarray that has to be addressed. To fight against this, Obhoyaronno works hard and engages with the communities for humane education. Because cultivating empathy in every child, adult and in the community will spawn a society that will be compassionate towards animals. Rubaiya adds, "Our school based education programme also focuses on teaching children how to prevent dog bites and rabies."
Obhoyaronno is indeed a wonderful initiative. It felt amazing visiting the place. While returning home I was thinking about the place the whole time. It is only possible by human to create a peaceful community where all lives can live in a harmony. At the end I can recall the beautiful quote of Mahatma Gandhi, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Therefore, let us love animals especially the stray ones, be kindhearted to them and share the warmth so that all of us as the creations of Almighty can live serenely under one roof.

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