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Celebrating life, colour and romance

Nilratan Halder | February 21, 2015 00:00:00

Girls in particular give prominence to vibrant yellow colours on the occasion of Pahela Falgoon

There were colours all over the city. Thank God, it was Friday and Saturday -two weekly holidays. For sometime now people opt for these two days to get out of homes and arrange for any celebration -family or otherwise. This time, though, colours had to be at their resplendent best because the occasions were first, Pahela Falgoon (first day of Basanta or Spring, the king of season) and the Valentine's Day. In Paschimbango, still following the old almanac, the two occasions had coincided and were observed simultaneously. But according to the reformed almanac here in Bangladesh, the advent of Basanta was observed a day earlier.

So people, particularly the youths, on this side of the border can feel happy, they had an extra day to celebrate both occasions separately. What is most striking is the similarity of the two occasions. Welcoming Basanta means celebrating life and regeneration, more particularly youth and the Valentine's Day adds to this an extra dose of romance. It is an occasion to give the best gift to the loved ones. At the centre of both occasions is ebullient and effervescent hearts. So animated by the intoxication of beautiful Nature and the glow of heart that young men and women demonstrate the richness through their attire! Girls in particular give prominence to vibrant yellow colours on the occasion of Pahela Falgoon. Lovers, on the other hand, express their precious feeling for their loved ones. And what else other than flowers can carry the message more powerfully?

Indeed colours run riot on both days and because they come one after another on consequent days, it is time to make the most of the occasions. These days, people think twice before getting out of their homes simply because of the fear of arsons or bomb attacks on their vehicles. But on the first day of Falgoon, they seemed to have conquered the fear and the trend continued on the Valentine's Day as well. Or what is the explanation of the intractable traffic jam in the city. People are becoming claustrophobic and they were determined to break the jinx.    

All the country's cultural achievements and manifestation cannot be bottled up. Politics now proves tyrannical to people. The young ones in particular want to steep into their cultural moorings and give those the best ever expressions. Their celebration of colours and flowers, so eye soothing, is under attacks. This is where it hurts most. A country takes pride in its rich culture and tradition. But overbearing politics is robbing it of its most humane face it turns out to the world. Today militancy is getting the better of its cultural beauty and aesthetic sense and sensibilities.

Life has not been the same for the entire population since the political programmes announced by the 20-party alliance. But two days were different. Youths in their droves came out on the streets. They liberally made use of flowers in order to make a stamp on the minds of not only of the intended persons but also on everyone around. So contagious was their feeling of happiness that everyone wished the days never came to an end. Bangladesh surely needs respite from such a stifling environment all around. People want to breathe free, they want space for their individual liberty.

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