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Cycling saves cash and life time

Md Khairul Hasan | March 29, 2014 00:00:00

The dreadful traffic condition in Dhaka city has led the commuters to search for an alternative mode of transport that would reduce commuting time and help avoid the notorious traffic congestion. Some citizens have found the solution to avoid the traffic congestion; they are now commuting by cycling. In fact, cycling has become a well-accepted new trend among people of all walks of life in the city. Specially, the youth community has chosen the easiest way of commuting avoiding the public bus or other modes of engine-run vehicles. They are seen in the busy city roads going to their destinations ignoring the deadly traffic congestion that paralyzes the city life.    

The main reason for choosing bi-cycle as a mode of transport is because it saves time and money of city dwellers. In an online survey, it was found that at least 75 per cent of the cyclists save more than an hour in their daily commuting. Thus, they get more time to sleep in the morning, spend with their family and friends and do other activities which they had to abandon before due to lack of time. What most cyclists like about commuting by cycling is that it provides a reliable travel time; they know how long it may take to go from one place to another and thus they are able to make their plans more efficiently.

Mr Mahmudul Hasan, a banker, used to go to office from Mirpur to Motijheel by public transport spending at least two hours. He reached the office ten to twenty minutes late. It was a negative performance at his office. He was searching an immediate solution to the problem. At last he found the solution by purchasing a bi-cycle. Now he reaches Motijheel in only forty minutes saving more or less one and a half hours easily. Now he reaches the office at thirty minutes before the office time and remains tension-free. Mr Ashique Ahmed, a private service holder, goes to office from his Mohammadpur resident to Uttara riding bi-cycle. He saves time and transport cost.

Many cyclists were also asked about their transport mode choice prior to cycling. It was found that they used to commute using almost all the modes of transport, including walking. Cyclists do not have to wait in long queues, travel in overcrowded buses, have one's pocket picked, bargain about the fare, etc. In addition, the exercise they are getting is also helping them to stay healthy and fit. Thus, overall they now have a peaceful mind and a healthy body.

Another big advantage of cycling is financial savings, especially for those who used to travel by personal vehicle, taxi or auto-rickshaw. There is no doubt that buying a bicycle and the necessary accessories costs money. But, in consideration of the price of the bicycle and on the amount one spent for commuting, a cyclist may be able to recover the costs in about six months. Thus, at the end of the year, the cyclist will most likely enjoy substantial financial savings.

Rather than waiting for a diverse, integrated and well-balanced public transit system, residents in the capital are encouraged to commute by cycling and enjoy time savings in their daily commuting and various other benefits, which will give them a peaceful mind, healthy body and extra cash in their pocket.

Cycle is an environment-friendly mode of transport. It is run by physical power burning calorie and not emitting the deadly carbon dioxide. It needs no fuel of gas; rather it saves our environment keeping our world green.   

The final benefit of cycling is a regular physical exercise. There is no sufficient walking place like footpath, park or public place for walking for city dwellers. Rather most of the people are to stay in the office for office jobs. Lack of sufficient physical exercise, most of the city dwellers suffer from different kinds of sickness like diabetes or obesity. They are forced to suffer from severe diseases. Cycling has brought an opportunity of regular physical exercise for them. So cycling is saving time, money and finally life of the cyclist.

Cycling is not out of problems. It is a risky job to ride the cycle on the busy city road. Heavy vehicles plying the roads create problems for the cyclists. No separate lane or road is fixed for cyclists. Sometimes traffic police behave rudely with the cyclists. Besides, there is no cycle stand in most of the offices.

Cyclists have demanded safe communication and separate lane for them. So all concerned including the government should come forward to extend all-out cooperation and support to make popular this eco-friendly and life saving mode of transport.

The writer is a banker and can be found at [email protected]

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