Delta Life distributes death claim cheques

FE Team | Published: July 02, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

Director and Chairman of Building and Claims Committee Nurul Huda is handing over a death claim cheque for Tk. 50,000 to a nominee of a policyholder in Rajshahi recently.

Gono-Grameen Bima Division of Delta Life Insurance Company Limited arranged a programme for distribution of maturity claim and death claim cheques to the policyholders in Rajshahi recently, said a press release.
Director and Chairman of Building and Claims Committee Nurul Huda was present as the chief guest while Raihanul Huq Montu SDM presided over the function.
Nurul Huda distributed a death claim for Tk. 50,000 to a nominee of policyholder and six maturity claims cheques amounting to Tk 1,58,145 to the policyholders.
Nurul Huda in his speech expressed the company's commitment to its policyholders and urged upon the audience to avail of the opportunity offered by the company through its policies that provide for a capital sum at premature death or at their maturity.
Before starting the function, one-minute silence was observed in honour of FIA Founder Chairman, Managing Director late Shafat Ahmed Chaudhuri who expired recently.

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