G77, China ask rich to increase dev financial flows to poor

FE Team | Published: June 10, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

UNITED NATIONS, June 9 (PTI): The Group of 77 (G77) developing countries and China have asked the rich to increase development financial flows to the poor and remove subsidies they give to their farmers to provide a level playing field.
In a message to the leaders attending the Group of Eight (G8) summit, it asserted that the developing nations have demonstrated a "sincere commitment" to fulfil the commitments made at various international conferences and summits but regretted that "our developed partners have not reciprocated."
It also called for removal of inequities in the international trading system which work against the developing countries and provide the poor more access to technologies needed by them for their development.
The message was sent by the current chairman of the group Ambassador Munir Akaram of Pakistan in a letter addressed to the G8 summit. The rich, it said, should help build a partnership premised on "common but differential responsibilities" to meet environmental challenges and encourage a development oriented approach.
The message said the G77 is committed to the promotion of international cooperation for development at the global level. The group believes that development is the best contribution to peace.
While appreciating G8's desire to engage the developing countries in dialogue on issues of urgent global concerns, Akram stressed that nothing should be done to undermine the United Nations, its pluralism and diversity.
Drawing the attention of G8 members to the need for concessional development financing, Ambassador Akram lamented that Official Development Assistance (ODA) flows have declined and feared it is likely to continue to decline further.
"There is a need for actual and immediate concessional financing," he said.

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