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ICT industry : A ray of hope for development

Md Sazedul Islam | March 01, 2014 00:00:00

Launching ceremony of \'One Bangladesh\' programme

The IT industry in Bangladesh is an untapped mine brimming with possibilities. The industry operators tipped Bangladesh to be the next destination for business process outsourcing (BPO). Bangladesh has now become one of the most potential outsourcing destinations in the world.  

An educated, trainable and young workforce is working in this sector and they possess the required skill to compete in the global scenario. The implementation of ICT in agriculture, banking, communication and citizen services showed a very good result.

Over the last few years, Bangladesh has made major strides in laying the groundwork for a diverse and successful outsourcing market. Gartner, a global research agency, ranked Bangladesh as one of the top 30 outsourcing destinations of world.  

The nation has a large number of young people with an increasing number of IT graduates and the service costs are lower compared to those of India and the Philippines, which can take BPO forward.

Bangladesh has attracted global attention because of its achievements in economic and social sectors. Bangladesh is making its presence in the global forum. It is one of the countries that are looked upon as the next growth centre.

It is possible to make the country digital by the year 2021 through implementing the objectives of the ICT Policy 2009 (amended in 2012) with the combined efforts of all concerned.

In the policy, it was stated that many countries in the world achieved their national progress utilising the potentials of Information Communication Technology (ICT).

With the passage of time, the significance of ICT has increased and now it is impossible to think about future without the ICT. The policy called for taking effective steps for bringing the country towards an advanced stage on ICT by overcoming all the hurdles.

Bangladesh has a strong domestic demand for its ICT services. It has laid down a solid base through catering to local needs over the last few decades. Local market still is major player of the business constituting 63 per cent BASIS registered companies growing at 20-30 per cent a year. This has honed the skills of ICT professionals who are capable of meeting global demand increasing the ICT enabled services export of the country. Bangladesh has a positive growth since 2008-09 in ICT export leading to US$ 32.91 million export in 2012-13.

The successive governments have made IT as a focus area, and have extended favourable policies for the growth of the sector. Subsidies towards technology imports and tax breaks were provided to the industry.

Having gained experience and credibility in the international market for services, Bangladeshi companies are now graduating from low value added tasks to higher end engineering and product development assignments.

The IT/ITES sector in Bangladesh is over three decades old and has been catering to established clients both globally and in the domestic market. Most players initially targeted the IT potential in the domestic industry.

Software and IT service industry in Bangladesh has crossed a long road over the last few decades. It has matured. The industry no more remains at the sideline. It joined the mainstream. Not only is the industry contributing significantly to the national income, but it has also been playing a very crucial role in creating high quality employment for a sizeable portion of young graduates of the country.

The presence of a high number of young entrepreneurs is one of the distinctive features of this industry. In last decade many tech savvy young graduates, some of them returning from abroad after finishing education, have started their IT ventures. Despite various local and global challenges, these young spirited entrepreneurs have done remarkably well in building sustainable business organisations through their hard work and passion.

Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS), the national trade body for software and IT enabled services industry of Bangladesh, has been playing an instrumental role in the growth of ICT sector in Bangladesh. It has been facilitating the IT and IT-enabled service provider companies to flourish home and abroad since 1997. BASIS has been working relentlessly for the development of this industry through domestic market development, international market development, capacity building, advocacy and social contribution.

BASIS has a roadmap to achieve US$ 1.0 billion by next 5 years from IT export. BASIS hoped that 1.0 million IT professionals will be created, half of the population will get internet access and 1 per cent of GDP will come from IT & ITES in the country.

With a view to achieving the objectives, BASIS recently launched a programme titled 'One Bangladesh', which is next five years' vision of Bangladesh Software and IT Services Industry, at a hotel in Dhaka city.

Finance Minister AMA Muhith, State Minister for Foreign Affairs Mohammad Shahriar Alam and State Minister for Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministry Zunaid Ahmed Palak, BASIS President Shameem Ahsan, BASIS Secretary General Russell T Ahmed and others graced the occasion.

Addressing on the occasion, the Finance Minister appreciated the initiative taken up by BASIS. He called on the youths to contribute to the country's development through Information Communication Technology (ICT).  

The State Minister for Foreign Affairs termed Bangladesh as the best place of investment for ICT. "If BASIS can do proper marketing for expansion of ICT, then our market will be enriched more".    

While delivering his address, State Minister for Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministry Zunaid Ahmed Palak expressed his hope that our country will go ahead further if the government and the BASIS work together. He said Bangladesh will be a model of ICT in the future.  

In his speech, BASIS President Shameem said as per the vision we have planned to achieve the objective of creating employment for one million software, ITES and BPO professionals, achieve one billion US Dollar in software, ITES and BPO export, to bring ten million (one crore) people of Bangladesh under Internet connectivity each year and make one per cent contribution to GDP from IT/ITES sector by 2018.

"We have taken up necessary plan of action to this end. The objective of making Bangladesh digital by 2021 will be fulfilled and our 100 million youths will turn our country into a higher income one from the existing middle income through achieving the 'One Bangladesh' Vision in Software and IT Industry", said the BASIS President.

BASIS Secretary Russell said BASIS is committed to bringing the country towards development through using technology. "We want to bring about change in people's social and economic lives through IT goods and services. Through achieving the targets, we want to take the ICT industry to a new height with the ultimate objective of bringing the country towards development. We hope that all concerned will play their due role in fulfilling the objectives".                     

According to BASIS, at present, there are 0.10 million software, ITES and BPO professionals. The country has achieved 100 million Dollar in software, ITES and BPO export and 30 million people are now using Internet and contribution of GDP from IT/ITES sector is now 0.02 per cent.

The export growth of ICT sector is now among top 15 in the country and BASIS plans to excel it further in terms of revenue. BASIS hoped that the objectives of the vision would be fulfilled with the combined efforts of all concerned in the greater interest of the country.  

The writer is a journalist. Email: [email protected]

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