India readies plan for ailing farm sector

FE Team | Published: June 29, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

NEW DELHI, June 28 (AFP): India plans an ambitious project to boost flagging agricultural output by 11 per cent over the next four years and reduce the need for imports, a top official said today.
Agricultural growth has slipped from five per cent annually in the mid-1980s to less than two per cent in the past five years -- badly lagging behind the blistering gains seen in the manufacturing and service sectors.
"The blueprint for the food security mission is ready and we will release it within a week," India's Agriculture Commissioner NB Singh said.
The moves to increase food output by 11 per cent by 2011 come less than a month after India voiced concern about falling farm production, saying it was fuelling inflation in Asia's fourth- largest economy.
"The aim (of this project) is to correct that (by 2011) and also cut down on large imports," Singh told newsmen. India has said that with its large population, it cannot afford to become a major food importer.

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