Newspaper industry passing thru\\\' tough time

Masum Billah | Published: July 19, 2014 00:00:00 | Updated: November 30, 2024 06:01:00

The newspaper industry has been passing through a tough time. Can it compete with the electronic media? Both audio and visual needs satisfying the demand of the readers are met through electronic media. The advertisements also gain momentum in electronic media. So, it has been said the number of readers of newspapers particularly English newspapers is shrinking with the shrinking of revenues.
I conducted an informal survey across the country to learn the status of English newspapers of Bangladesh and found that very poor number of people read English newspapers. The respondents said they could read the same news in Bengali newspapers and could easily comprehend. They need not practice English language. Then, I searched for the answer among the English knowing people and teachers. Their answers are 'why should we read English newspapers? We can learn in detail and with analysis the ins and outs of international events on BBC and CNN, Fox News and NDTV. We read English newspapers sometimes if there had been any exclusive write-up which concerns us and concerns education. English newspapers of the country hardly project this sector amply to collect the attention of the people who adore English and feel the necessity to satisfy the needs of students in general and teachers in particular.
Some general people read English newspapers and the reasons are (i) to practice English (ii) as they love some particular writers, (iii) they  read only when they see some topics which are related to their  profession, life and  problems (iv) they  think reading English newspapers is  a matter of prestige. A number of them answered they didn't know the reason why they read English newspapers, they just read. To my utter surprise I found among two hundred secondary and college teachers, only nineteen teachers read English newspapers. I asked them the name of some English newspapers, only four could name more than one English newspaper. They just say one name that is Daily Star.
Despite the sense of doom and gloom that pervades the industry today, there are signs of hope. While newspaper readership is declining, information consumption is increasing. Almost every newspaper company has made the transition to the Web, with their properties attracting new audiences and new advertisers. In fact, the interactive nature of the Web allows forward-thinking companies to completely change the way they interact with readers and advertisers. Readers can become content creators and community builders. Web sites can serve advertisers that would eschew the static nature of print. Additionally, companies are experimenting with new approaches. As newspapers are run by big business companies, the editors must be guided by the policy of the business industry. It is not untrue that the business people understand when the newspapermen can talk to them in a convincing way. When they fail to make them understand, definitely newspapers fail. We have witnessed the fall of newspapers and the birth of new ones and flourishing situation. How the newspapermen determine which write-ups draw readers' attention. Readers are of several categories. Many good writings of English newspapers sometimes go unnoticed. How English newspapers will reach the common mass? What about the project and plan of English newspaper industries? Who knows it? At the district level all English newspapers are not available regularly as many people told me. People don't know the name of other newspapers except the Daily Star. Can Daily Star alone cover the needs and demands of readers of various categories? Of course not. Then what about other newspaper authorities' responsibility? Much of educational information finds place in several English newspapers and the authorities must make them reach to the mass people and a vast number of readers and audience. Bengali newspapers take various steps even though they have wide circulation. Whereas English ones seem to be more shy to reach the people. If English newspapers just make a target that we will reach all the secondary schools and madrasas, they can cover twenty-eight thousand institutions.  
The patrons of on-line newspapers have started saying that the days of print media have come to an end. Only online newspapers will survive. The mushrooming of online newspapers bears testimony to the technological development of any country and the reflection of citizens' modern thoughts and ideas. The style of journalism may have changed and the yellow journalism may take place due to the expansion of corporate capital. The online media may have further expanded but the print media will survive despite that but it must get ready to face these challenges. Desktop, laptop, notebook, smart phone are within the reach of common people now. They need not wait to see the printed newspapers of tomorrow. Until newspapers understand the importance of these issues, they may lag behind the race.
In Bangladesh there are 75 online daily portals. The readers may browse five to ten portals. Only a handful of portals have professional skills. It can be assumed that the readers of 75 online newspapers may not be more than 50 thousand in number and a lion's share of them are expatriates. In recent times the circulation of several leading newspapers has fallen down from ten to fifty thousand. People have lost their belief in newspaper because of political turmoil. The role of non-professional media is not less responsible for it. Due to tough competition some newspapers publish baseless information just to create surprise. This situation contributed a lot to the disbelief of mass readers. So, readers stop buying newspapers. The owners of newspapers must understand that newspapers are not the tools of interest or making money. Actually maintaining and running a newspaper pertains to social responsibility where monetary interest can be accrued but its amount should be minimal. Still print media has more opportunities to keep the number of readers. Print media must attach new information to satisfy the taste of the readers including the materials they need in their practical life. To read online news is a complex preparation and if the speed of computer and internet is not fast, the viewers cannot see it. People have developed the habit of reading newspapers for long which they cannot change easily that means printed newspapers cannot be overtaken by the online newspapers so easily.
Online newspapers don't have archives to make the contents available after a certain period of time but the printed newspapers do have this option. Print media does not have 'Black Out' possibility as online has. When something is printed, it is recorded permanently. So, readers have still a special appeal for print media. The speed of internet is very slow and you cannot be sure that you will be able to read a news item without being interrupted by electricity or the system at a stretch through online. As printed newspaper is free from this phenomenon, it is its extra strength.
The writer is Program Manager: BRAC Education Program and Vice-President: Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA). Email:

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