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NZ central bank lifts interest rates

July 27, 2007 00:00:00

WELLINGTON, July 26 (AFP): New Zealand's central bank raised interest rates today for the fourth successive time this year due to sustained inflationary pressures.
Reserve Bank of New Zealand Governor Alan Bollard raised the official cash rate (OCR) by a quarter of a percentage point to 8.25 per cent, one of the highest rates in the developed world.
But Bollard also said the latest hike might be the last in the current cycle, with high levels of borrowing by New Zealanders showing early signs of moderating.
"Provided they keep this up, and the pressure on resources continues to ease, we think the four successive OCR increases we have delivered will be sufficient to contain inflation," Bollard said.
A rise in interest rates had been expected by most economists after inflation figures earlier this month showed inflation rose one per cent in the June quarter compared to the previous three months.
The central bank has a mandate to keep annual inflation within a one to three per cent band. Although annual inflation was only two per cent in the June quarter, there were signs it would start rising sharply again.

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